May is Microchip Your Pets Month

This is a great reminder for pet owners to consider microchipping their furry friends. This is also a great reminder for pets that already have a microchip, to make sure that your contact information is up to date with the microchip company's database.

Microchipping your pet is important for several reasons:

  1. Permanent identification: Unlike collars and tags, which can fall off or be removed, a microchip provides a permanent form of identification that cannot be lost.

  2. Reuniting lost pets: If your pet gets lost, a microchip greatly increases the chances of being reunited with you. Animal shelters and veterinary clinics can scan lost pets for microchips and contact the owner based on the information stored in the chip's database.

  3. Proof of ownership: In cases of theft or disputed ownership, a microchip provides solid proof of ownership, as the chip is registered under your name and contact information.

  4. Legal requirements: In some places, microchipping your pet is a legal requirement. Even if it's not mandated by law where you live, it's still a responsible choice to make.

  5. Health benefits: Microchipping is a safe and relatively painless procedure for pets. It involves a simple injection of a tiny chip, usually between the shoulder blades. It doesn't require anesthesia and has minimal risks.

Overall, microchipping your pet is a proactive step to ensure their safety and well-being, providing you with peace of mind knowing that if they ever get lost, there's a reliable way to bring them back home. Please call our clinic today to schedule an appointment to microchip your pet, or we can include this as an additional service during your pet's annual exam appointment.